Keep evolving in size and dimension and provide complete solutions to your communication needs in ever changing landscape.


To create a work culture that inspires us to be curious,stay hungry and motivated, so that we can create extraordinary ideas that people would love to spend time with.


All of these are serving the purpose of total communication. It is to do with the consumer mind. They wanted that share. And, to get the most share of the consumers mind, they needed to be able to tag them from all angles. And so, it has to be all pervasive and all inclusive. And that is how the concept emerged. The name was kept randomly, but it has grown in 360. They have successfully formulized the word. And so, we are Solve Stone 360.


After becoming Solve Stone with only 3 employees and pitching to brands for advertisement, the chairman felt that advertisement by itself cannot be complete without other relevant fields in communication. So, what were the relevant activities? Advertisement has a creative department, media department, production department and a research outfit to name a few. Each of these are full activities by itself. So in a creative agency, assuming that someone working as a copywriter, planner or in servicing will know about media is not fruitful. For that, media should be a separate independent company. Exactly like that, there should be a separate production company for someone who is producing. When it goes to events, it should be a separate full-fledged company so that proper attention can be given to create successful events. Therefore, every department emerged as independent entities.